【空少私房菜】青木瓜沙律食谱 棕榈糖、小红虾干、研钵泰式正宗
青木瓜沙律 (Som Tum ส้มตำ) 味道酸辣鲜甜又醒胃,往往叫人食得津津有味。就是使用街市常见用来煲汤的那种青木瓜,十元八块就可以炮制爽脆新鲜又高纤的Som Tum,疫情底下不能快闪泰国,在家都能轻易造出正宗泰国风味。
青木瓜沙律可谓泰国菜式代表之一,从路边摊档到餐厅都极为常见。泰式凉拌沙律源自泰国东北部依善与邻近老挝一带。 其款式配搭千变万化,而我们最熟悉的味道和款式,亦即多数游客一定吃过的,就是最基本的青木瓜沙律做法,称为 Som Tum Thai。
今日跟大家分享的是最经典的 Som Tum Thai 食谱,材料和做法简单,其秘诀在于酸、辣、咸、甜的平衡。需要的食材大多是一般厨房常见的材料。想达到最正宗的风味,可以在泰国食品士多铺里找到棕榈糖和红红的小虾干;之于对贝类海产过敏的朋友则可省略小虾干。怕辣的朋友更可随个人喜好调教辣度,从此不再怕辣到喷火了!
青木瓜沙律│som tum(ส้มตำ)│green papaya salad
1. 花生用干锅烘香,备用。
In a small, dry frying pan, toast the peanuts over medium heat until fragrant and golden brown. Remove and set aside.
2. 青木瓜和甘笋去皮刨丝,长角豆切段,番茄切件(车厘茄切半)。
Peel and shred green papaya and carrot with a julienne peeler or a regular cheese grater with medium to large sized holes. Trim ends and cut long beans into 2-inch segments. Slice tomatoes into wedges, or halve the cherry tomatoes if using.
3. 把蒜头和指天椒捣碎。
Cut each garlic clove into three pieces. Coarsely smash garlic and whole chilies in a mortar and pestle.
4. 加长角豆、番茄和棕榈糖轻轻摏碎至糖完全溶解。
Add the palm sugar, beans and tomatoes. Lightly pound to bruise the beans and break up the tomatoes, and ensure that the palm sugar is fully dissolved.
5. 倒入鱼露和新鲜青柠汁,拌匀来混合各种材料。
Squeeze in the lime juice and fish sauce and pound to combine.
6. 加入青木瓜、甘笋丝、虾干和花生,一边继续轻轻摏碎、一边拌匀,令各样材料更为入味。试味并再作适当调味,即成!
Add the green papaya, carrot, dried shrimp (if using), and toasted peanuts. Lightly pound and toss to combine. Check seasoning. The taste should be sweet and salty in perfect balance, with a sharp, sour and spicy tang. Plate up and enjoy fresh!
【空少私房菜】10分钟秘制泰式酸辣汁 蘸生虾以外的绝配原来是…
Alvin's Penthouse Kitchen 空少私房菜