【空少私房菜】蝴蝶式剪鸡开边法 焗鸡省三分一时间告别橡胶口感
烤鸡,对于很多专业厨师来说,是一件轻而易举的事, like a walk in the park(就像在公园里散步一样),那么简单自然,不费吹灰之力;不过,对于像我这些普通人而言,却是一件可怕的事!怕它烤焗不均匀,鸡槌未熟、鸡胸如橡胶,或是翻转鸡只再烤时鸡手鸭脚!
烧春鸡,是西餐厅餐牌上常见的菜式,不过价钱通常偏昂贵,而且春鸡分量小;最令人犹疑的莫过于是点了的烧鸡到底 ju 唔 juicy?即使家里的焗炉拥有旋转烤鸡模式,却总是怕麻烦、嫌烤焗时间长、工序繁复。
数年前某日,决定克服这个心理难关,尝试新technique将全鸡蝴蝶式开边(英语为 Spatchcock)。烤焗前只需把整条鸡背骨剪出来,鸡只自然摊开成蝴蝶状,就像把一本书翻开平放,由立体3D变平面2D!使原先立体的全鸡在同一个平面及相同的厚度均匀受热,大大缩减烤焗时间之余,令更多鸡皮外露,底层更易受热,保证每次都做出嫩滑多汁、皮脆可口的效果!
蝴蝶式全鸡开边法 | How to Spatchcock a Chicken: A Step-by-Step Guide
1. 鸡洗净,抹干。用剪刀去掉头、颈和鸡脚。
Pat your chicken dry. Remove and discard the head and neck. Cut feet off at the joint of the drumstick. Set aside.
2. 鸡背向上,用剪刀沿着鸡背脊椎的两侧将鸡背剪开。
Starting at the tail, cut along one side of the backbone with kitchen shears. Make the cut as close to the spine as possible.
3. 再剪另外一边,剪出整条鸡背骨。
Repeat on the other side of the spine to remove the entire backbone from neck to tail.
4. 清除多余脂肪和所有内脏残余物,鸡背骨和鸡脚可雪藏备用来造高汤,切勿扔掉啊!
Trim excess fat and clean out the cavity. Reserve backbone and feet for stock or freeze for later use — do not discard!
5. 使用“心肺复苏法手势”: 鸡胸向上,用掌心于胸骨中央用力压一压,随即会听见“啪啦”一声,将全鸡压平。
Now, on to my favorite step: "give CPR". With breast side up, press down firmly in the middle of the breastbone to flatten the bird — you will hear a sensational crack. This step is dangerously satisfying.
6. 用手指轻轻把鸡胸和鸡腿的皮与肉之间分隔开,有助塞进腌料,令鸡肉腌得更入味。
For maximum flavor, you want to get your marinade under the skin. Carefully use your finger to create pockets between the skin and the flesh in the breast and thigh. Be careful not to break the skin!
7. 成功把鸡开背成蝴蝶状,完成。下一步可加入腌料和烤焗!
Well done — your chicken is now relaxed and ready for the marinade and the grill!