失聪女登“全美一叮”唱自创歌 娓娓之音全场激掌

撰文: 李咏仪

失聪人士也可以分享动听乐曲。美国一名失聪女生Mandy Harvey,带著一把结他和一个传译员,登上美国真人秀“全美一叮”舞台,靠地板的震动感受拍子,演唱自创歌曲《Try》,上天赠她一副好嗓子,歌声感动全场。

Mandy Harvey在全美一叮用歌声叙述自己的故事。(Getty Images图片)

美国一名失聪女生Mandy Harvey带著一把结他和一个传译员,登上美国真人秀“全美一叮”舞台,靠地板的震动感受拍子,演唱自创歌曲《Try》,感动全场。



“I want to do more with my life, then just give up”
Mandy Harvey


曾经放弃音乐的她,因为想生命有不一样,便凭著肌肉记忆、调音器和信心重拾音乐。“上天为你关了扇门,就必定会为你开启另一扇窗”,《Try》是Mandy自己创作的歌曲,歌词透露她由绝望到走出阴霾,寻回自己的经过。活泼的结他声配合她优美流畅的歌声,最终获得全场观众的掌声和欢呼声,并得到评审团的金丝带(Golden Buzzer)。

Mandy的歌声动人,曾灌录歌曲。(Mandy Harvey Fb)

 Mandy Harvey -创作的《Try》歌词 

I don't feel the way I used to
The sky is grey much more than it is blue
But I know one day I'll get through
And I'll take my place again
So I will Try I don't love the way I need to
You need more and I know that much is true
So I'll fight for our breakthrough
And I'll breathe in you again
If I would Try There is no one for me to blame
cause I know the only thing in my way
Is Me

I don't live the way I want to
That whole picture never came into view
And I'm tired of getting used to
The Day
So I will try If I would Try

Mandy Harvey获得评审团的最高评价-金丝带 (Getty images图片)