
撰文: 陈乐希


美国的莱尔克教授(Robert Lehrke)指,母亲的基因决定她的孩子有多聪明,父亲不起多少作用。因为智力基因由X染色体携带,而妈妈贡献两条X染色体,爸爸却贡献一条。另外,有一类基因被称为“条件基因”,当中有些基因要来自母亲才能发挥作用,来自父亲可能会失效;有些则要来自父亲才会启动,来自母亲会失效。而研究人员相信智力基因这一“条件基因”是必须来自母亲才能发挥作用。




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Keverne, E. B.; Surani, M. A. et. Al. (1996) Genomic imprinting and the differential roles of parental genomes in brain development. Brain Res Dev Brain Res; 92(1): 91-100.
Allen, N. D. et. Al. (1995) Distribution of parthenogenetic cells in the mouse brain and their influence on brain development and behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. ; 92(23): 10782–10786.
Barton, S. C.; Surani, M. A. & Norris, M. L. (1984) Role of paternal and maternal genomes in mouse development. Nature; 311:374-376.
Lehrke R. (1972) A theory of X-linkage of major intellectual traits. Am J Ment Defic; 76: 611-619.

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