撰文: 伍进权
今年的美国大选,外界视为热门候选人之一的希拉里(Hillary Clinton),若当选,便会摇身一变成为首位美国女总统。身为女性,在向来由男性主导的政场上,披著前美国第一夫人、前纽约州议员和前美国国务卿等头衔,身兼母亲和祖母等多重身份,而且一直是美国女权运动的重要领袖 ── 希拉里看似颠覆传统,能够对抗社会偏见,其实来自典型保守家庭。
解放Nerdy的Flower Power
自言思想保守、内心开放的希拉里,却因为这次嬉皮运动获得真正的解放 ── 黑人民权运动、女权运动和反战运动兴起,在希拉里心底埋下争取社会平权的伏线;更让共和党出身的希拉里转投民主党怀抱,舍弃了Nerdy的保守衣装,换上新潮的花纹紧身裤和前卫的超短裙,渡过深深改变了她的耶鲁人生。
"I am a heart liberal, but a mind conservative."
"When I was younger and women first started to get in public positions, in my case the law, we went through a period where we wore those little ribbon ties, little bows. We tried to figure out what was our appropriate dress. Now you can be aware of conventions but not be a slave to them. I wear pants of various kinds because it solves a lot of problems. Different jackets, heels of different heights, but I also like to wear something that is more fun, more happy, not be so predictable."