【逃犯条例】Fb复出第三文 林郑:We all have a stake in HK!

撰文: 彭毅诗

过去两个月,特首林郑月娥在修订《逃犯条例》风波下绝少公开露面,其个人facebook专页亦一度冰封,但随著北京表态支持,其专页亦解封,今日(15日)发布自5月来第三篇帖文,扬言“香港呢个家你同我都‘有份’,We all have a stake in Hong Kong!(我们所有人在香港都有建设性)”,称早前“no stake(无建设)”论是一个误会。


林郑又指,近日香港多次出现以示威为名的暴力或者破坏活动,大家都感到痛心,她相信每一个珍惜香港的人都不忍心看见香港被摧毁,更以中英宣布“因为香港呢个家你同我都‘有份’,We all have a stake in Hong Kong!”

“no stake”论惹争议,林郑指自己的说话被演绎成认为示威人士都是“无建设”,其实此为误会。她称,“我当时嘅意思系除非有好少数嘅人因为觉得自己‘无份’而不惜摧毁社会,香港嘅经济发展对每一位香港人都好重要”。


The economy is very important for everyone of us in Hong Kong, unless a small minority of people as you have said, they did not mind destroying Hong Kong's economy, they have no stake in the society with so many people that help to build. That's why they sort to all these violence and obstruction causing true damage to the economy and daily life of people.