黄心颖新歌Crown Me歌词自嘲八婆 想获注目:Just like me please
黄心颖“安心事件”后神隐近4年,日前突然于社交网站上载新歌《Crown Me》MV预告,转型做歌手复出,获不少网友大赞勇气可嘉。
全首歌均是英文歌词,歌词中表达叫大家尽情称呼她为八婆、顽皮、Baby、Cheap等等,她十分乐意接受。其中一句“I've got my personality revised. Why is it still not enough for you and I?”意指她已修改了人格,为何对你我来说仍然不够,似乎凭歌寄意,抒发个人心声。
点击睇黄心颖《Crown Me》歌词:
“Crown me naughty
Crown me bitch
Crown me beauty
Just crown me please
My teeth is pearly
My brows are trimmed
My face is pointy
My waist is cinched
*Come and give me a score
I'm ready for you to make me belong
I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide
I've got the desired 33-23-35
I've got my personality revised
Why is it still not enough for you and I*
Crown me flashy
Crown me cheap
Crown me baby
Just crown me please
I want your comments
I want your views
I want the attention
Just like me please
My virtual self has her virtual words
And her virtual vision of unconditional love
This very virtual world got me my virtual belief
That the best part of me is my virtual worth”
黄心颖歌Crown Me歌词自嘲八婆?
淡出多时的黄心颖,突然无预警公布新动向,新歌Crown Me表达叫大家尽情称呼她为八婆、Cheap等,详尽歌词请看。可是,MV内的造型网友唔撑,而黄心颖回复《香港01》表示,收到各方嘅祝福支持,都提及了选择英文歌及灵感来源。
黄心颖早前接受传媒访问,终于再松口,指出与Rubber Band的鼓手黎万宏(泥鯭)...详情请看。再早前许志安接受访问时,记者提到黄心颖已经开展新恋情,可会祝福对方,或者可有跟心颖联络,佢咁样答⋯⋯详情即睇。而郑秀文就大方以一句话回应黄心颖复出,请看。