【武汉肺炎】袁国勇:传染率83% 未来数日是阻病毒传港最后机会
武汉新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情持续扩散,香港大学微生物学系研究团队在医学杂志《刺针》发表文章,以深圳一个7人家庭有6人确诊的群组个案,推算病毒的攻击率(attack rate)高达83%,且证实能人传人。
他直指香港目前情况不妙(Our situation is NOT good),未来14日发展是关键。“香港、澳门或任何一个国际城市,都很易成为另一个武汉或2003年(爆发沙士)的香港。”
新型冠状病毒有高度传染性 患者未必发烧
按研究分析,新病毒潜伏期约3至6日,袁国勇认为,未来几日或是最后机会( last window of opportunity),阻截病毒经已染病的内地病人传入香港。
倡在家外全民戴口罩 延长学校农历年假
袁国勇续指,人传人有可能在医院或在有旅游史的家庭之间出现,他认为应尽快建议市民踏出家门,便应戴口罩(universal masking outside home),并定时消毒双手,亦应延长农历年假至情况稳定,以免内地生将病毒带返校园;医院方面则应增购测试试剂、防护装备的存货量,相关的治疗药物包括蛋白酶抑制剂、利巴韦林及干扰素等,以及预备隔离病房的空间应付。
"From Professor KY Yuen:
1. the key issue here is a VERY high attack rate in family cluster, 83% in family members who have been in Wuhan; this shows that 2019-nCoV can be a highly infectious virus.
2. HK/Macau or other world cities could easily become another Wuhan or another 2003 Hong Kong.
3. The next few days (incubation period 3 to 6 days in our family cluster) could be the last window of opportunity to stop the infection from spreading by silently infected mainlanders that crossed the border into HK/Macau SAR.
4. patients can be afebrile at the time of presentation, despite having radiological changes of viral pneumonia. They can still be shedding virus as evident by positive RT-PCR in respiratory secretions. This makes the control by case recognition very difficult.
5. person-to-person transmission can occur in hospital and home setting with intercity spread (ie, from Wuhan to HK/Macau).
6. We should advocate “universal masking outside home” and “frequent alcoholic handrub” now before it is TOO LATE. There should be extension of Chinese New Year holiday till the situation is stable to prevent returning mainland students bringing virus into schools or universities.
7. We need to stock up diagnostic test kits, mask and other PPE, quarantine areas, disinfectants, kaletra, ribavirin (low HCV oral dosing) and betaferon.
8. We must do everything now to delay or mitigate the epidemic till the increase of ambient temperature to 30 degree Celsius which hampers the environmental survival of this novel coronavirus.
Our situation is NOT good. Need to see what happens in the next 14 days.
Warmest regards."