【科米新书】前FBI局长重拳狂击特朗普 附原文精彩金句逐格睇
美国联邦调查局(FBI)前局长科米(James Comey)撰写的新书《A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership》(暂译:更高的忠诚:真相、谎言和领导力)长达304页,下周二(17日)正式出版。新书内容围绕他与现任总统特朗普私下的交往,揭露其“黑帮”管治风格,当中科米以生动精彩文笔炮轰对方,金句连连,值得读者逐一细味。
圈内都是应声虫,由头目全权掌控一切。忠诚誓言、非我即敌的世界观,不论大小事,用谎言掩盖一切,来达致忠诚,将组织凌驾于道德和真相之上。(The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.)
科米特别提起,特朗普就任总统后一周,旋即邀请他到白宫绿室共晋晚餐。当时没有其他人在场,他相信特朗普是希望在二人之间“建立恩惠关系”(establish a patronage relationship),然后特朗普开口说:“我需要忠诚。我期望忠诚。”(I need loyalty. I expect loyalty.)但科米未有正中下怀。
我决心不向总统发出任何同意这要求的暗示,取而代之,我用沉默回应。我注视他那双面无表情的蓝色眼睛下松弛的白色眼袋。我记得,当刻我在想,总统不明白FBI在美国人生活中的角色。 (I was determined not to give the president any hint of assent to this demand, so I gave silence instead. I stared at the soft white pouches under his expressionless blue eyes. I remember thinking in that moment that the president doesn’t understand the FBI’s role in American life.)
满口谎话 毫无道德可言
黑帮老大通常为要达到目的,不惜牺牲所谓的道德仁义,在科米眼中,特朗普亦不例外。他形容特朗普是“天生的骗子”(congenital liar),用谎言蒙蔽众人,筑起“一个另类现实的茧围绕我们所有人。”(a cocoon of alternative reality that he was busily wrapping around all of us)。
他们(骗子)失去分辨真假的能力。他们四周都充满骗子……只有愿意说谎和接受谎言的人才可得到好处和权力。这形成一种文化,成为生活的方式。 (They lose the ability to distinguish between what’s true and what’s not. They surround themselves with other liars. . . . Perks and access are given to those willing to lie and tolerate lies. This creates a culture, which becomes an entire way of life.)
特朗普出任总统,在科米眼中就犹如“森林大火”。全因他认为特朗普是一个“不道德的领袖”(unethical leader),“缺乏人性”(devoid of human emotion),又“只顾自我”(driven by personal ego)。
他又写道:“当下发生的一切都不正常。这不是假新闻,这不妥当。”(What is happening now is not normal. It is not fake news. It is not okay.)
忠诚 VS 坦诚
科米和特朗普“撑台脚”的那顿晚餐过后,后者重提忠诚这个话题,当时科米回答:“你一直都会从我身上得到坦诚。”(You will always get honesty from me.)对特朗普这个骗子来说,“坦诚”根本一文不值,他一直想要的“忠诚”却偏偏得不到。
因此2017年5月,特朗普根据司法部高级官员建议辞退科米。时任国土安全部长凯利(John F. Kelly)对此感到不忿,不想再为如此对待科米的卑劣上司做事,更打算辞职抗议。当时却是科米一手挽留这位最终升任为白宫幕僚长的同僚,而自己则黯然离场。
我敦促凯利不要请辞,这个国家需要有原则的人待在这位总统身边,特别是一位如此这般的总统身边。 (I urged Kelly not to do that, arguing that the country needed principled people around this president. Especially this president.)