警国安处扣押“国殇之柱”作证物 捷克港人组织发起网上请愿谴责
警务处国家安全处昨日(5日)持法庭手令,在元朗区检走原本存放在港大嘉道理中心的雕塑“国殇之柱”,作为调查一宗涉及“煽动他人颠覆国家政权罪”的证物。创作者高志活(Jens Galschiøt)批评相关行动令人无法接受;捷克港人组织“我地(Ngo Dei)”则发出新闻稿谴责警方行动,并促当局尊重艺术自由,立即归还“国殇之柱”;同时在网上发起联署请愿,吁国际社会向港府施压,保护香港市民的权利和自由。
“我地(Ngo Dei)”表示,扣押“国殇之柱” 引起人权组织及艺术界的愤慨,该雕塑自1997年起在港大校园竖立,象征民主和人权,不明白扣押该雕塑如何能够成为国安法的证据;创作者高志活事前更从未获得咨询或通知。
该组织对警方行动予以谴责,指今次事件是对人权和艺术自由的明显侵犯,促当局尊重艺术自由,立即归还“国殇之柱”。“我地(Ngo Dei)”同时在网上发起联署请愿,吁国际社会联合谴责相关行动,向香港政府施压,保护其公民的权利和自由。
“我地(Ngo Dei)”新闻稿全文:
Hong Kong National Security Police Seize "Pillar of Shame" Sculpture Commemorating Victims of Tiananmen Square Massacre
[HONG KONG, May 5th, 2023] - The Hong Kong national security police have seized a sculpture created to commemorate the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown in connection with a subversion investigation. The sculpture, known as the "Pillar of Shame," was confiscated from the Kadoorie Centre in Yuen Long, an agricultural research facility run by the University of Hong Kong (HKU), on Friday.
The seizure of the "Pillar of Shame" has sparked outrage from human rights groups and the artistic community. The sculpture was created by Danish artist Jens Galschiot and erected on the campus of HKU in 1997 as a symbol of democracy and human rights, and as a tribute to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The sculpture has since become an important landmark for activists and pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong.
According to a source familiar with the case, the police used a subversion investigation as a pretext to seize the sculpture, raising serious questions about the state of artistic freedom in Hong Kong. The seizure of the sculpture has been condemned by NGO DEI (我地), which has called for the immediate return of the "Pillar of Shame" and for the Hong Kong authorities to respect artistic freedom.
Jens Galschiot has expressed his deep concern and outrage over the seizure of his sculpture, stating that he was not consulted or informed about its removal. Galschiot has also pointed out that the sculpture was placed in Hong Kong before it was handed over by the British, and that he cannot see how it could be used as evidence under the national security law.
The seizure of the "Pillar of Shame" is a blatant violation of human rights and artistic freedom, and the international community must join in condemning this action and pressuring the Hong Kong government to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.