DSE︱英文写作8题目可拣答行山客 科主任指难度相若无刁难考生
1: You are the host of "Teen Chat", a YouTube Channel that explores a wide range of topics from a teenage perspective. Write an article for Teen Magazine about why you started this channel and what you have learned in the process.
(你是一个YouTube频道“Teen Chat”的成员,请在青年杂志Teen Magazine上写一篇文章,分享你成立“Teen Chat”的原因及从中所学。)
2: You write an advice column for Jobs Online magazine. A reader submitted the following question:
My dream is to open a café with a few friends, but I've just been offered a promotion at my company. The pay is good, but I'm not that interested in the work. Should I leave now or wait a few years?-Kam Chai, 25 years old
Write a reply to Kam Chai offering your advice
(你为Jobs Online杂志撰写回复,有一位名叫Kam Chai的读者来信提及一直希望与朋友开一间咖啡厅,但最近升职,薪金不错,不过对工作内容不感兴趣,故来信查询应去或留,请你为Kam Chai提供建议。)
3: You are the captain of the school's basketball team. Your team made it to the inter-school championship final but came second.
Write a speech to be delivered to the team at the end-of-season dinner celebration.
4: The following comment appeared in the editorial of Hong Kong post.
Young people today lack interest in traditional art forms such as lion dance, calligraphy or the art of tea drinking.
You are the chairperson of your school's Heritage Club. Express your views by writing a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post.
5: The musical group Nine Dragons has asked you to help promote them by writing a bio for their website.
The bio should include background information about the group, style of music and plans for the future.
(音乐组织“Nine Dragons”请你为他们写一篇介绍,当中请包括他们的背景资料、音乐风检及未来计划。)
6: As part of your drama class, you played the role of the hero and the villain in different plays.
Write an entry in your drama journal. Reflect on which role you preferred playing and why.
7: You entered the "Stories of Survival" short story competition. The theme of this year's competition is "Nature: friend or enemy?"
Write a story about a hiker who gets caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains.
8: The School Management is considering a four-day school week. Students would only need to attend school four days a week instead of five, but the length of each day would be increased by one hour.
You are a member of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Write a letter to the President of the PTA stating your opinion either for or against a four-day school week. Give reasons to support your view.
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