【危殆科大生】校长史维发公开信 称已致函领展索取闭路电视片段

撰文: 劳敏仪


昨晚史维被学生包围,期间有学生投诉一名教授(背向啡色者)在混乱间涉嫌扫到女同学胸部,遭现场学生包围。(资料图片 / 陈浩然摄)




Dear Members of HKUST, 

It is unfortunate that a student of ours fell from height in a car park in Tseung Kwan O in the midnight of 4 November. He was sent to the hospital. Colleagues from the Dean of Students’ Office and I paid him, and his family hospital visit shortly afterwards, to deliver our best regards and to offer help during this difficult time. Just about an hour ago, Dean of Engineering, Head of Computer Science and Engineering, a few other colleagues, a student representative and I went to the hospital again to show support and understand the latest status. We will continue to stay in touch with the family.

Last night, students assembled at the Piazza to show support for the injured student. I met them to exchange views. As an update, the University has sent earlier this afternoon a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Link, which owns the Tseung Kwan O car park in question, to request the related security camera footage. I have also sent a letter to the Commissioner of Police to ask for guidelines or information which can help all of us to understand how to protect oneself during protest situations, especially when tear gas is used.

Harassment incidents involving a number of people were reported during the gathering last night, for which the University’s Gender Discrimination Committee has started the formal procedures.

To continue the dialogue last night, an open forum for the internal HKUST community will be held tomorrow at 5 pm. A separate invitation has been sent earlier this afternoon. 

Sincerely yours,

Wei Shyy