性工作者奇遇#2│妻要求3人同床 应召女郎:丈夫眼神透现纯爱
撰文: 夏洛特
A husband and wife booked me for a threesome, because having a lesbian experience was on her bucket list. She’d recently recovered from a double-mastectomy and had just been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour, despite undergoing chemotherapy.
In a private (fully clothed) moment between the husband and I, he told me “she doesn’t have long left...” and the way they looked at each other was so beautiful. Just pure love.”
同场加映:男客要求应召女郎 “饿着上门” 餐桌上满洋葱
同场加映:老公打机识女仔嗌“老婆” 称好平常 真老婆:揾鬼信咩!