【香港01 X ICMA大专联校歌唱比赛】云浩影:我为爱我的人唱歌

撰文: 李梓媛

今年【香港01 X ICMA大专联校歌唱比赛】决赛将于6月26日在麦花臣场馆举行,规模盛大,绝对难得!初赛及复赛已顺利举行,现已进入决赛最后阶段,并设有人气投票活动,支持心水参赛者,歌王歌后你有得拣,投票者更有机会赢取丰富奖品!

龚嘉盛 摄

云浩影 Wan Ho Ying (21岁)

学校: 香港城市大学 (CityU)

科目:Public policy

年级:Year 4

< 投票支持云浩影 >

I get to perform on stage, I get to sing for people who love me

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.”

I know right, it's so cliche. I know It sounds stupid when you hear people saying “I wanna be a singer”, but this dream isn't so unreachable anymore.

I get to perform on stage, I get to sing for people who love me. Whenever I feel like I just can’t make it, I always remember that they are so proud of me. Please vote for me, vote for that unfinished dreams of yours.


