
撰文: 陈成斌


〔注一〕 Contractualism 与Contractarianism 有些分别,但中文似乎同样译作契约论 (我不太肯定应该怎样译)。虽然雷根在讨论契约论时是用了Contractarianism一词,但观乎其内容其实更似是在讨论Contractualism。无论如何,这里跟随Carrruthers的用法,本文所指的契约论一律是指Contractualism,不作细分了。


〔注二〕  “… a rational agent is a creature that is capable of governing its behavior in accordance with universal rules (such as “Don’t tell lies”), and that is capable of thinking about the costs and benefits of the general adoption of a given rule, to be obeyed by most members of a community that includes other rational agents” (Carruthers 2011: 275).


〔注三〕 有些人会认为只有Scanlon 的讲法才算是契约论,罗尔斯的进路则不算。不过这里不用细分,只直接依从Carruthers 的讲法把两者都视为契约论。



Carruthers, P. (1992). The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Carruthers P. (2011). “Against the moral standing of animals.” In C. Morris (ed.), Practical Ethics: questions of life and death. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 274-284.

Regan, T. (1983). The Case for Animal Rights. Berkley, CA: University of California Press.

Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Scanlon, T. (1998). What We Owe to Each Other. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Singer, P. (1975) Animal Liberation. New York, NY: New York Review Books.