#Metoo|DJ SODA自爆6岁曾被强奸:当时父母都在工作,我独留家中
DJ SODA自爆被强奸。今日(21/08)于Instagram上发表声明,自爆6岁曾被入室盗窃的强盗强奸,迅速引起各界关注。
南韩女神DJ SODA早前出席位于日本大阪的音乐节活动,她在台下表演时遭到粉丝“胸袭”,事后她更崩溃表示有阴影,以后可能不会再靠近粉丝。事件传出后引起日韩港台等地的留意和传媒广泛报导,同日日本网民也迅速起底疑似抓到“胸袭”事件的犯人。
今日(21日)晚上9时左右,DJ SODA在社交平台以英文、韩文及日文发声明表示:“服装和性犯罪之间无关,永远不要让受害者成为问题,转移罪责。”她于交中透露自己曾于6岁时被强盗强奸,她写道:“当我6岁时,我的父母都在工作,我独自一人在家,遭到一名强盗强奸。那时,我撒谎告诉父母说我差点被抢劫,但我没有开门是因为害怕他们会受伤。这场震惊使我患上了选择性缄默症,我一直隐藏著,没有告诉任何人。2018年我参加韩国Spectrum音乐节时,我遭到VIP区的一名男子性骚扰,我试图找出他的身份。但那时,我认识的摄影师说:‘你赚得不错,现在的#MeToo运动很强大,如果一起做这件事,我们就难以维持生计。’听到这番话后,我无能为力,只能独自承受著耻辱感并保留著那人的照片。当我遭到海外DJ的性骚扰时,我从未收到道歉,只听说这只是个玩笑。我的前公司与某品牌谈判成为广告模特儿时,他们告诉我这会损害我的形象,要求我删除相关贴文。我一生中多次遭受性骚扰和性侵犯,我以为必须隐藏它,假装什么都没发生。”
DJ SODA全文如下:
Please check the post to read the whole statement. I couldn't write everything in the caption cause it was too long.
"It is nothing related between clothing and sexual criminal. You should never make the victim a problem and shift the blame for the crime. The cause is from the perpetrator, not the sexy clothes. The mindset that 'wearing revealing clothes is a trigger for sexual violence' is a very biased and androcentric view.
When I was 6 years old, both of my parents were working and I was home alone and raped by a robber. At that time, I lied to my parents and said that I almost got robbed but I didn't open the door because I was afraid my parents would get hurt. The shock caused me to suffer from selective mutism, and I've lived my life hiding it without telling anyone about it. And when I went to the Spectrum Festival Korea in 2018, I was sexually harassed by a man who was in the VIP, and I was looking for the person's identity. But at that time, photographer who I knew said, “You earn well, the #MeToo movement is strong these days, and if you do it together, it will be difficult for us to earn a living.” Then I couldn't do anything after hearing it and I couldn't help but keeping the picture of the person and suffering from feeling shame alone myself. And when I was sexually harassed by fellow overseas DJ, I never received apololgies and only heard that it was a joke. And my former company was negotiating with a brand for an advertising model, so they told me that it will deteriorate my image and asked me to take down the post about it. I was sexually harassed and molested several times throughout my life, and I thought I had to hide it and live as if nothing had happened.
But now I don't want to avoid or hide anymore. If I ignore this, someone else will inevitably become a victim. “Does being sexually harassed mean there's a problem with victims?". Why are you asking the victim for a cause? I think that perpetrators and secondary perpetrators are equally bad. It makes me sad that this is happening in 2023...." (continued on the post)
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