何雁诗晒终极孕照下月生B前最后性感 剖白将为人母感受

撰文: 张嘉敏

何雁诗现时陀B已进入最后阶段,预产期在6月中的她可说是随时生得,昨日她于IG分享了她的靓靓孕照,并剖白了她即将为人母的感受。她以英文留言表示:“Becoming a mother comes with a lot of societal expectations, and I find myself trying to be cautious to fulfill what the societal standards are of a good mom-to-be sometimes. The truth is being myself is enough, I am trying my best and doing what I believe will be the best for me, my family and baby❤️ this includes continuing my work in music, keeping up with content creating, reading parenting books, maintaining my mental stability, snacking just because, sleep like a piece of furniture, and these are all okay👌

The truth is everyone’s different and everyone is going through different challenges, aside from giving ourselves a little grace, so should we give others. Can’t wait to meet our baby cheng 小郑生🤍 who do you think he will look like? Me or Fred? 🤔”

内容大意是成为一名母亲伴随了很多社会期望,她发现自己有时也会谨慎行事来成为一个社会标准上的好妈妈。然而事实是做自己便足够,她会尽最大努力为她的家庭和儿子做到最好.......她等不及想见到她和老公郑俊弘 (Fred) 的BB小郑生,好奇BB会长得像她还是Fred。
