陈凯琳变大细路玩转校园 祝大仔学前班毕业︰见证他的适应能力
Grace以英文写下感性留言:“I remember the first time I took Rafa to school, I was thinking: will he cry? Will he settle well? Is he going to make new friends? From playgroup to nursery, I have witnessed that he is just amazing at adapting to new situations. Always the first one running out of the house to get on the school bus, I can see how truly excited he is to go to school! Whenever I peek into class he’s always busy playing, singing, reading or running around. To the amazing teachers, staff and parents I’ve had a chance to talk to and get advice from —thank you for your kindness. Happy Graduation little dude! I love you 3000!(记得第一次带Rafael上学时,我想他会哭吗?会安顿下来吗?会识到新朋友吗?从Playgroup到学前预备班,我见证了他的适应能力,每次都是第一个从家里跑出上校车的人,看得到他上学是多么兴奋!每次我偷看他上课时,他总是忙着弹琴、唱歌、看书或跑来跑去。感谢老师、工作人员和家长们给予的帮助。小家伙,毕业快乐,我爱你3000!)”