撰文: 张嘉敏
应届港姐冠军谢嘉怡(Lisa)样子甜美性格吸引,且从不介意以素颜样貌目示人,真性情赢尽了网民心。昨日Lisa于IG post了她去年参选港姐时身穿婚纱,手拿花束的靓相,留言表示:
Today marks my first year anniversary living in Hong Kong! This time last year I packed my bag, and started on a completely unknown journey into the entertainment world. The year has been filled with so much fun, and love from everyone I have met so far. Thank you all for your continued support. You’re all amazing for enabling me to be able to make this journey! A special thank you to my mum and dad in always believing in me and my dreams