
撰文: 陈颖思 梁普宇

《Lazarus》首句歌词便是“Look up here, I'm in heaven”(看这里,我在天国),正正切合大卫已撒手尘寰的事实,“I've got scars that can't be seen”(我有看不见的疤痕),以及“Look up here, man, I'm in danger”(看这里,我身在危险中),似在隐喻自己患上顽疾,“I was living like a king”(我曾活像国王)、“Then I used up all my money”(之后花光了所有钱),就像他的人生写照,最后更多次出现“I'll be free”(我将会自由),甚有即将离开的意味。




Look up here, I'm in heaven

I've got scars that can't be seen

I've got drama, can't be stolen

Everybody knows me now


Look up here, man, I'm in danger

I've got nothing left to lose

I'm so high it makes my brain whirl

Dropped my cell phone down below


Ain't that just like me


By the time I got to New York

I was living like a king

Then I used up all my money

I was looking for your ass


This way or no way

You know, I'll be free

Just like that bluebird

Now ain't that just like me


Oh I'll be free

Just like that bluebird

Oh I'll be free

Ain't that just like me