中年好声音3|占士丁丁尽己所能挺到最后 首次香港过新年感兴奋

撰文: 胡凯欣

无线(TVB)节目《中年好声音3》日前(25日)于上水一商场举办见面会,当中有17位参赛者现身活动,外国人占士丁丁都有出席。占士丁丁与刘晓昆合唱《挥着翅膀的女孩/Proud of You》,在座的粉丝都听到非常入神。

《中年好声音3》昨日于上水一商场举办见面会。(胡凯欣 摄)
《中年好声音3》当中有17位参赛者现身活动。(胡凯欣 摄)
占士丁丁与刘晓昆合唱《挥着翅膀的女孩/Proud of You》。(胡凯欣 摄)

占士丁丁接受《香港01》访问时就透露今次活动是他于香港的首个公开活动:“Today is the first show we've had today in Landmark North. An amazing experience. Beautiful, beautiful people here today. And it's such a pleasure to be able to perform in front of Hong Kong and all the fans as well. So, hopefully a lot more shows coming as well.”占士丁丁指今次的是一个很棒的经历,他亦表示非常荣幸能够在香港的粉丝面前表演,所以希望之后会有更多的演出机会。

占士丁丁透露今次活动是他于香港的首个公开活动。(胡凯欣 摄)

占士丁丁被问到对比赛有没有信心时,他表示有不断地学习及想证明自己进步:“I'm constantly learning more Cantonese and Mandarin songs. I want to show that l'm always constantly improving. My Cantonese is getting a little bit better as well. I'll do my best to stay as far as I can to the competition. And who knows, maybe I might win the show.”他指自己一直学习更多的粤语和普通话歌曲,想证明自己不断进步,而他的粤语也进步了一点。他将尽自己所能,尽可能坚持参加比赛,他更笑指自己也许能够赢得比赛。

占士丁丁被问到对比赛有没有信心时,他表示有不断地学习及想证明自己进步。(胡凯欣 摄)


占士丁丁马上晒出自己认识的广东话。(胡凯欣 摄)

占士丁丁被问到将会怎样渡过农历新年时,他表示今年是第一年在香港过新年:“Yeah, for my time for the New Year, I think I'll be spending time with some friends. It's going to be my first It's going to be my first New Year actually in Hong Kong. So I'm super, super excited. I heard a lot of stories, everyone saying how magical it is around this time of year.”他指新年会和朋友一起过,因为是第一个在港过的新年,所以他感到非常兴奋。

占士丁丁被问到将会怎样渡过农历新年时,他表示今年是第一年在香港过新年。(胡凯欣 摄)