【有片】英女王批中国访英团言论泄出 同情负责接待警官“倒霉”
英女王周二(10日)接见伦敦警察厅指挥官奥尔西(Lucy D'Orsi),官员介绍奥尔西去年负责中国到访团的保安时,英女王即时打断,说“噢,倒霉。”(Oh, bad luck.)
官员续说:“中国人令她为难。”(...who was seriously, seriously undermined by the Chinese)
奥尔西又接着说:“不知你是否知道,那次对我来说是次考验。”(I'm not sure whether you knew, but it was quite a testing time for me.)
英女王:“我知道。”(I did.)
奥尔西:“当他们步出兰卡斯特宫,跟我说中止行程,我感觉……”(I think at the point that they walked out of Lancaster House and told me that the trip was off, that I felt…)
英女王:“他们对大使很无礼。”(They were very rude to the ambassador.)
奥尔西:“是的。吴百纳(英国驻华大使)当时与我一起,他们就此抛下我们。”(They were, Barbara was with me and they walked out on both of us.)
奥尔西:“这很无礼,不知外交礼节。”(It was very rude and very undiplomatic.)