菲律宾总统杜特尔特访港 就马尼拉人质事件正式道歉

撰文: 张子杰

正在香港访问的菲律宾总统杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)周四表示,对于2010年马尼拉人质惨剧,他以总统身分正式向香港人两度致歉。
期间他先后用上“非常抱歉”(really sorry)和“我们道歉”(we apologise)等字眼,时隔近八年终为港人送上迟来的歉意。


他表示:“我希望作出承诺,这将永远永远不会再次发生。”(I would like to guarantee that this will never happen again.)。当他提到道歉(apologize)一字时,台下人士欢呼表示赞好。

我身为菲律宾总统,以及代表菲律宾民众,打从心底正式致歉。(From the bottom of my heart, as the President of the Republic of the Philippines and in behalf of the people of the Philippines, may I apologize formally for you now.)


今次是首位就有关事件正式道歉的菲律宾总统,时任总统阿基诺三世(Benigno Aquino III)拒绝道歉,反指中国亦没有就当地死亡的菲律宾人家属致歉,结果惹来批评。而杜特尔特认为,菲律宾需要一段长时间才可缓和中国人的情绪,又认为一直没人道歉,那么就由他自己开始。他表示歉意之余,不忘暗中批评阿基诺三世。

马尼拉人质事件发生于2010年8月23日,前警员门多萨强行登上康泰旅行社的旅游巴,挟持车上乘客与当局对峙。事件持续近10小时后以流血收场,门多萨和8名人质死亡。虽然马尼拉市长兼前总统埃斯特拉达(Joseph Estrade)曾经道歉,但当时受害者家属认为菲律宾欠他们一个公道。





"Let me for the first time...... the Chinese government and the people of China have been waiting for this. There has been no official apology coming form the Philippines regarding that incident that happened in August 2010. May I address myself to the Chinese people who are here, who are with us, join us, from the bottom of my heart, as President of Republic of the Philippines, and on behalf of the people of the Philippines, may I apologise formally to you now. We are sorry that the incident happened, as humanly possible, I would like to guarantee that this will never happen again. I hope this would go along way to really assuage the feeling of the Chinese people and government. So it's only right that lives were lost under our jurisdiction. What is really needed is just to say we are really sorry, we apologise."