遇公关灾难不潜水删贴 Nikon 正面回应获过千赞好
著名相机公司 Nikon(中文名称尼康)的新加坡Facebook专页,昨日公布一张得奖摄影作品,竟被网友发现为移花接木的合成图片,相片随即被疯传。网友亦毫不留情地用尽各式方法证明照片作假,并且上载大量二次创作作品,险酿成“关公”灾难。相关报道:【改图合集】疑似改图夺摄影奖酿“关公”灾难 网民疯狂二创
不过新加坡Nikon 并没有“潜水”删帖了事,反而正面回复网友,指今次是一个较轻松的摄影比赛( casual photography contest ),重视想像及创意多于器材道具;同时亦就此事道歉,称会检视比赛规则。
Nikon亦“笠高帽”感谢网友二次创作照片,认为网友的反应十分有趣,令全球摄影及影像社区充满生气。Nikon 在 Facebook 上回应不足3小时,便已获得超过 1,000个like,有网友更指至少他们肯承认错误,回应亦稳阵,算是把一场公关灾难的影响降至最低。
不过,亦有人质疑,Nikon没有回应到底是否已经取消当事人的奖项,亦没有澄清更多的疑问,继续批评 Nikon。
At Nikon, we believe that innovation and imagination are at the heart of every image. While innovation is driven by the technological advances in our devices and cameras, we see imagination as the ability to see greatness and use each and every tool at your disposal to make them real.
NikonCaptures is a casual photography contest that focuses not on the devices or props you use, but on the imagination and creativity that each photographer exudes while capturing and sharing their images. We have taken in every feedback received, and we sincerely apologise for the oversight on our part. We are now in the process of carefully revisiting the contest’s rules and regulations, for the benefit of all our current NikonCaptures members. We will update everyone of the contest rules once we have revisited all of them.
At the same time, we welcome the funny and witty entries being shared in response to our recently awarded image. It’s with joy that we acknowledge that the global photography and image community is alive and thriving. We thank you for the numerous spontaneous contributions and encourage everyone to keep the imagination alive.
Just give them time to take any necessary actions, brilliant PR reply!
Nikon deserves to win a trolley bag for this classy response.
Very safe PR reply. What the audience want is to ensure that the winner is re-selected. Don't risk your reputation by letting the photoshop bugger win even though it just cost u a trolley!