美国会美中经济与安全评估委员会报告 中美关系部分节录

撰文: 凌俊贤

美国国会的咨询机构美中经济与安全审查委员会(U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,USCC)周三(14日)发表2018年年度报告,论及中美关系、并提到香港及台湾现况;报告又建议美国国会采取广泛的措施,抗衡中国全球扩张战略、贸易做法和海外影响力。以下部分内容原文翻译。




原文节录:The United States has sought to address unfair Chinese trade practices in part by using mechanisms codified in U.S. trade laws, bringing cases to the World Trade Organization, and threatening additional trade actions. The Trump Administration’s trade policies target Chinese technology transfer requirements and insufficient intellectual property protections, the growing U.S. trade deficit, and national security risks posed by an overreliance on steel and aluminum imports, among other factors.


原文节录:The Chinese government structures industrial policies to put foreign firms at a disadvantage and to help Chinese firms. Among the policies the Chinese government uses to achieve its goals are subsidies, tariffs and local content requirements, restrictions on foreign ownership, intellectual property (IP) theft and forced technology transfers, technical standards that promote Chinese technology usage and licensing, and data transfer restrictions.

China has reaped tremendous economic benefits from its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and participation in the rules-based, market-oriented international order. However, more than 15 years after China’s accession, the Chinese government's state-driven industrial policies repeatedly violate its WTO commitments and undermine the multilateral trading system, and China is reversing on numerous commitments.


原文节录:Congress direct the Government Accountability Office to conduct an assessment of U.S.-China collaborative initiatives in technical cooperation. This assessment should describe the nature of collaboration, including funding, participation, and reporting on the outcomes; detail the licensing and regulatory regime under which the initiatives occur; consider whether the intellectual property rights of U.S. researchers and companies are being ade- quately protected; examine whether Chinese state-owned enter- prises or the military are benefitting from U.S. taxpayer-funded research; investigate if any Chinese researchers participating in the collaboration have ties to the Chinese government or military; investigate if any U.S. companies, universities, or labs participating in U.S. government-led collaboration with China have been subject to cyber penetration originating in China; and evaluate the benefits of this collaboration for the United States.



原文节录:In 2018, challenges to freedom of speech and assembly in Hong Kong continue to increase as Beijing and the Hong Kong government closed down the political space for prodemocracy activists to express discontent. For the first time, the Hong Kong government banned a political party (the Hong Kong National Party, which advocates for Hong Kong’s independence from China), raising concerns that it may lead to the passage of national security legislation that would allow the government to further silence prodemocracy organizations and supporters. The Hong Kong government also denied a visa renewal to the vice president of the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Club without explanation; observers believe the denial was in retaliation for the club’s August 2018 event hosting the head of the Hong Kong National Party. Self-censorship has become increasingly prevalent in Hong Kong among journalists and media organizations due to mainland China’s rising presence in the territory.


原文节录:U.S. policy toward Hong Kong, as outlined in the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, underscores U.S. support for Hong Kong’s human rights, democratization, and autonomy under the “one country, two systems” framework. The preservation of Hong Kong’s way of life and maintenance of its status as a global financial and business hub help facilitate U.S. interests. U.S. considerations regarding the export of sensitive U.S. technology to Hong Kong are also predicated on the territory’s separation from the Mainland. In this light, the ongoing decline in rule of law and freedom of expression due to Beijing’s increasing encroachment on Hong Kong’s autonomy is a troubling development.

