【逃犯条例】Be water, my friend! 了解李小龙名言背后的真理
撰文: 夏洛特
近日网民经常提到“Be water, my friend!”,以呼吁反《逃反条例》集会人士要知所进退。原来这名句是已故武打影星李小龙(Bruce Lee)于1971年出席美国访谈节目时,向主持人Pierre Berton重新演绎美国电视剧《Longstreet》(中译《血洒长街》)的对白,意思是要武者学会清空心思、不被形式所困,像水般自由流动,柔软而又刚强,适应万物的形状,而关键时候又可凝聚力量。李小龙其后在其著作《李小龙:生活的艺术家》(Bruce Lee: Artist of Life)中写道:“在逆境中让步,能屈能伸,能够和谐地适应对手的招式,而不是格斗或反抗……”
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Be water, my friend!的出处:
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup. It becomes the cup. You put it into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.清空你的思绪,变得灵活,无形,像水一样。把水倒进杯子,它就是杯;倒进瓶子,它就是瓶子;倒进茶壶,它就是茶壶。水可以流动,亦能冲击。活得像水一样吧,朋友。