【摄影展览】穿梭九龙城寨的蜿蜒窄巷 探索“三不管”黑暗之城

撰文: 苏炜然

九龙城寨被人称为“三不管”地带,传闻“城”里满是黑社会,窄巷角落都是娼嫖、赌博、毒品,一切想像得到的罪恶,都在这里。然而,当加拿大藉纪实摄影师Greg Girard(格雷格‧吉拉德)以及英藉建筑摄影师Ian Lambot(林保贤)于80年代尾走进九龙城寨,却发现传闻并不准确;可能是被夸大了,可能是时代转变了,但他们都认为在日照不到的黑暗处,藏着更复杂有趣的故事。在城寨清拆之前几年,Girard和Lambot不断到访,穿梭满布电线和水管的狭窄小巷,并纪录了这个居住了35,000人的奇异空间。Girard和Lambot于1993年出版《City of Darkness》,之后屡次加印和再版,近日将于Blue Lotus gallery展出部分书中收录的九龙城寨照片。City of Darkness 《黑暗之城》 by Greg Girard & Ian Lambot展览详情:日期:2019年11⽉8日至12⽉8日时间:星期三至星期日,11:00am至6:00pm地点:Blue Lotus Gallery/香港上环磅巷28号地下Ian Lambot分享会:日期:2019年11⽉9日(六)时间:4:00pm至6:00pm(作品由Blue Lotus Gallery提供)

©Greg Girard. 'Kowloon Walled City Night View from SW Corner' Hong Kong 1987. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Ian Lambot. 'Aerial View #2' Hong Kong 19. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Greg Girard. 'Kowloon Walled City, from Tung Tau Tsuen Road' Hong Kong 1987. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Ian Lambot. 'Lung Chun Back St.' Hong Kong 19. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Greg Girard. 'Convenience Store with Living Quarters' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Greg Girard. 'Noodle Factory Desktop' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Greg Girard. 'Children playing on Walled City rooftop' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Greg Girard. 'Rooftop and Plane' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Greg Girard. 'Walled City, Tung Tau Tsuen Rd' Hong Kong 1987. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Ian Lambot. 'South Facade (Detail)' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Ian Lambot. 'Water Standpipe #2' Hong Kong 1991. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Greg Girard. 'Noodle Factory and Family Residence' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Greg Girard. 'Cafe, Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Kowloon Walled City' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.
©Ian Lambot. 'Stairway #1' Hong Kong 1990. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Ian Lambot. 'Dentist's Chair' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Ian Lambot. 'Caged Balconies #1' Hong Kong 1990. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
©Ian Lambot. 'South Facade' Hong Kong 1989. Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
Ian Lambot(左)以及Greg Girard。《City of Darkness》系列于Blue Lotus Gallery展出。(苏炜然摄)