传与郑嘉颖8月12日峇里成婚 陈凯琳上载甜蜜合照亲认喜讯
陈凯琳同郑嘉颖嘅婚讯呢几日闹得沸沸扬扬,传出8月12号佢地会到峇里举行婚礼,又有网友表示目击Grace出入医院产检,言之凿凿话佢已经怀孕6星期,实行双喜临门咁话﹗呢日Grace终于打破沉默:“YES, I AM ENGAGED!”恭喜准郑太﹗
原来去年圣诞嘉颖已经求咗婚﹗见到相片中Grace同嘉颖著上羽绒,Grace仲戴上冷帽,背景白蒙蒙一片,如无意外应该就系求婚时影嘅合照:“我们彼此感到非常幸运,亦相信这是将我们关系提升到一个新水平的最佳时机!最近有很多关于我们的谣言,除了嘉颖和我结婚之外,其余的谣言都不是真的! 我希望每个人都能理解并尊重我们的隐私。除此之外,我真诚地要感谢所有花时间向我们送祝福的人!最重要的是,我们要感谢我们的家人,向我们展示最无条件的支持。”
Hello Everyone! I believe many people have been waiting for this...so here I am, proud and extremely excited to announce that YES, I AM ENGAGED! Kevin and I have been dating for over 3 years and there was never a doubt in my mind that he was THE ONE! So when he popped the question last Christmas, the answer was a definite YES! We both feel incredibly blessed to have one another and we believe this is the perfect time for the two of us to take our relationship to the next level! Lately there have been many rumors about us, and aside from Kevin and I getting married, the rest of the rumors are not true! I hope everyone understands and can respect our privacy from here on out. That aside, I sincerely want to thank all the amazing people who took the time to send their blessings and well wishes to us! Most importantly, we want to thank our families, for showing the most unconditional support to us. We love you so much. ❤