【改图合集】疑似改图夺摄影奖酿“关公”灾难 网民疯狂二创

撰文: 叶天佑
得奖作品原图,想不到引起另一次“关公”灾难。(来自Nikon Facebook专页)

昨日著名相机品牌 Nikon ( 中文名称尼康 ) 在其新加坡 Facebook 专页,公布了一张得奖摄影作品,称得奖者在唐人街 (牛车水) 爬楼梯时影到的一张空中飞机照片,更描述了得奖者是以Nikon D90相机拍下照片。



Yu Wei chanced upon a set of ladders while on a photowalk with his friends in Chinatown, and thought the view above would make an interesting perspective. Little did he expect to catch an airplane in mid-air.
Nikon 新加坡 Facebook 专页的得奖描述

该得奖作品,非常有“小画家 feel”,竟然能够获奖,令一众网民大为震惊,并引发起网民的疯狂二次创作,改图嘲笑事件。

007 is watching you. (Nikon新加坡Facebook留言截图)
有人“拍到了”这么多飞机。(新加坡Nikon Facebook留言截图)

涉事的图片,仍然未移除,但事件已在一些摄影网站被报道。《香港01》向新加坡 Nikon 查询获得回复,新加坡 Nikon 亦在下午于该张图片的留言栏内贴出该回复,Nikon 称,今次是一个较不正式的摄影比赛( casual photography contest ),重视创意多于器材技术,并会重视外界回应,又为今次的疏忽致歉,又称会检视比赛的规则。新加坡 Nikon 更加自嘲称,图片中的这条梯,正在变得有名。


At Nikon, we believe that innovation and imagination are at the heart of every image. While innovation is driven by the technological advances in our devices and cameras, we see imagination as the ability to see greatness and use each and every tool at your disposal to make them real.

NikonCaptures is a casual photography contest that focuses not on the devices or props you use, but on the imagination and creativity that each photographer exudes while capturing and sharing their images. We have taken in every feedback received, and we sincerely apologise for the oversight on our part. We are now in the process of carefully revisiting the contest’s rules and regulations, for the benefit of all our current NikonCaptures members. We will update everyone of the contest rules once we have revisited all of them.

At the same time, we welcome the funny and witty entries being shared in response to our recently awarded image. It’s with joy that we acknowledge that the global photography and image community is alive and thriving. We thank you for the numerous spontaneous contributions and encourage everyone to keep the imagination alive.