粉丝自制Pokemon开发九年终推出 心血结晶免费下载
撰文: 赖浩然
《Pokemon GO》在港的热潮开始减退,不过很多玩家对于Pokemon本身的热情,可谓矢志不渝,此单新闻也再一证明。国外有FANS用了九年时间自制Pokemon游戏,终于在近日完成、正式推出。游戏的完成度非常之高,如果你玩厌了《Pokemon GO》,会否考虑试试呢?
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此FANS自制作品名为《Pokemon Uranium》,是一只以手提机版Pokemon为依归的完完整整Pokemon游戏。游戏内有200只Pokemon、8个道场、完整的主线,在完成游戏后还会有一些额外任务。《Pokemon Uranium》更有线上大堂,可以与其他玩家1v1、2v2对战或进行交易,亦改良了Pokemon游戏的介面,令操作更简单易用。整款《Pokemon Uranium》的内容丰富度及完成度都非常之高,实在是一款很有心机的作品。
Hello, and thank you for downloading Pokemon Uranium 1.0! We have put a lot of work into this game and we hope you enjoy playing it. We started working on Pokemon Uranium more than 9 years ago. We never dreamed that it would come this far or become this successful. Pokemon Uranium is inspired by the love we have for the Pokemon franchise. We wanted to create a tribute to the series we have loved since we were very young. Hopefully you will play this game and feel the same joy we felt the first time playing a new Pokemon game.
《Pokemon Uranium》是款免费游戏,只提供PC版本。有兴趣的训练员可至官网下载,不过似乎伺服器太繁忙的关系(太多小精灵训练员下载中?),官网(按此前往)在截稿时无法连上。